Perhaps some of us have that feeling of been drawn to God because he is our maker but never been felt Him close to you. You feel He is watching you but from a far distance, also you feel that He doesn't hate you but yet do not believe that He loves you.
A lot of us out there may feel for sure that God exists but yet wonder if He really cares about us. We all have at least once in our life time faced that situation that caused us to wonder the authenticity of God's existence.
Even Job, the man known in the Bible for his utmost faith in God, after been pummeled by one tragedy to another-with no sight of relief, once asked God why He hid His face from him! This is the feeling and situation am talking of...The feeling of doubting what you strongly believe in...What you have seen reasons to believe in.

But is God really to be blamed for these hard times of our lives? Is it really his fault that we are suffering in this wicked world?

Still seeking for answers?
Consider the womb of a woman. We all know that God created everything including the womb of a woman.

He made it such a complex system to ensure that the mother could feel the infant and as well detect the infant's needs, causing her to ensure that those needs are responded to.

Does this not seem logically, that God has interest in every single one of us that came into this earth passing through our mother's womb???
Can it make more difference in our life, if we know that God is really interested in our welfare and that he really watches over us with loving concerns? It certainly can!
Hannah from England explains.......
"Many times I felt that God did not love me and that my prayers were not answered. I thought it was because of lack of faith on my part. I felt that I was ignored and punished because I wasn't important. I felt that He didn't care"
Hannah no longer doubts God's care towards her... she continued "It was a gradual process of change, I remember one Bible talk many years ago, about Jesus Christ's ransom sacrifice that had profound effect on me and helped me feel reassured that God's love. And when my prayers are been answered, I often burst into tears because I realized that God loves me after all. Also, by studying the Bible and attending Christian meetings, I have learnt more about God, His personalities and the way He feels about us. Now I see God's backing and love for us all, His willing desire to look after us individually."
What Hannah said is very encouraging but how can you be sure that God really loves and understands your feelings?

My next article will be IF GOD REALLY DOES UNDERSTAND OUR FEELINGS? So subscribe.
Have a nice day ahead till we meet again..
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