Health Tips for Women

Let's face it, ladies: Doctor visits are short. And they're getting shorter. What if your doctor had more time? She might tell you the same things that OB-GYN Alyssa Dweck, MD, co-author of V Is for Vagina, wants you to know. 1. Zap your stress. "The biggest issue I see in most of my patients is that they have too much on their plates and want to juggle it all. Stress can have significant health consequences, from infertility to higher risks of depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Find the stress-reduction method that works for you and stick with it." 2. Stop dieting. "Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to forgo your favorite glass of wine or a piece of chocolate cake now and then. The key is moderation. Get a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart carbs, and fiber." 3. Don't “OD” on calcium. "Too much absorbed calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones and may even increase the risk of heart disease. If you're under ...